Monday, February 14, 2011

The next few days

Orion came to visit that afternoon. Noel went to pick him up and he came and we spent time as family of four for a little bit. Since it wasn't too long (between dinner and bed time) it was not too much pressure about what to do with him. It was good that he visited.

Next day the whole Kerlee family came visit and brought Orion. The following day Orion did not come because it got too late with the whole start of pumping and such. Mandy told Noel that Orion was crying under his cover that night and his pillow was wet. When we asked Orion he said he wasn't and he was only sweating from being hot. I am not sure which one's story to believe. That made me feel really bad. Because until then I've kinda swapped out one baby for another and was not thinking/worrying about Orion much. I felt so guilty that I neglected my Orion.

On the day of the check out, Noel picked Orion up nice and early and we spent time as a family at the hospital waiting for Vivi's test result to come back to see if her bilirubin level is good enough to go home. Really not crazy about the nurse with know-it-all attitude at the Ped unit but overall experience at the hospital was nice.

Going home. Let the chaos begin...

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